
Reg. No. V18061 / NFF 3017
Klas: Proteïen, energie en
minerale aanvulling vir skape
Massa 50kg

Super lammerooilek / Super lammerooilekkorrels

  • Ideale aanvulling vir laatdragtige en lakterende ooie op enige tipe weiding
  • Bevat hoë vlakke deurvloeiproteïen wat uierontwikkeling, bies- en melkproduksie bevorder
  • Uitstekende prikkellek vir ooie voor en tydens die paarseisoen om ovulasietempo en dus  lampersentasie te verhoog
  • Ideale aanvulling vir die uitgroei van jongooitjies
  • Bevat ’n vitamien- en mineraalvoormengsel
  • Lae ureuminhoud wat die produk veilig maak vir kleinvee en jongdiere
  • Geskik vir gebruik in Namibië
  • Beskikaar in ’n pilvorm vir beter innames en minder vermorsing

Aanbevole inname

  •  Voer as sulks sonder enige vermenging
  •  Voer altyd met voldoende weiding of hooi
  •  Voer vir skape teen 250 g – 500 g per dag


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 250
Protein ex NPN % 50
Urea g/kg 30
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 6
Calcium g/kg 6 24
Fat g/kg 15 50
Fibre g/kg 50 90


Die voer bevat NPN (ureum) en moet streng volgens die voorskrif gevoer word. Hierdie lek is ’n aanvulling en nie ’n volledige voer nie, dus moet daar altyd voldoende hooi of weiding wees. Hou voerkrippe vol, ’n konstante daaglikse inname sal ooreet voorkom sowel as ureumvergiftiging. Voor ’n NPN-lekgevoer word, voer eers ’n sout-fosfaatlek vir 7 dae. Vitamienaktiwiteit neem met tyd af. Raadpleeg die vervaardiger of ’n voedingskundige.


Reg. No. V18061 / NFF 3017
Class: Protein, energy and
mineral supplement for sheep
Mass 50kg

Super lambing lick / Super lambing lick pellets

  • Ideal supplement for ewes in late pregnancy and lactating ewes on any type of pasture
  • Contains high levels of undegraded intake protein (bypass protein), which advances udder development and the production of colostrum and milk
  • Excellent flush feed for ewes during the mating season to increase ovulation tempo and thus to also increase the lambing percentage
  • Ideal supplement for the growth of young ewes
  • Contains a vitamin and mineral premixture
  • Has a low urea content which makes the product safe for small stock and young animals
  • Suitable for use in Namibia
  • Available in pellet form for better intake and less wastage

Recommended intake

  • Feed as is without any further mixing
  • Always feed in conjunction with sufficient hay or roughage
  • Feed 250 g – 500 g per day to sheep


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 250
Protein ex NPN % 50
Urea g/kg 30
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 6
Calsium g/kg 6 24
Fat g/kg 15 50
Fibre g/kg 50 90


This feed contains NPN (urea) and must be fed strictly according to the instructions. This lick is a supplement and not a complete feed, thus sufficient grazing and roughages should be available. Keep food troughs full, a constant daily intake will prevent over eating and urea poisoning. Before feeding an NPN-containing lick, first give a salt-phosphate lick for 7 days. Vitamin activity decreases with time. Consult the manufacturer or a nutritionist.