- Volledige afwerkingsvoer vir alle vee
- Bevat geen ureum nie
- Bevat hoëgraadse lusern
- Bevat ‘n vitamien- en minerale mengsel
Aanbevole inname
- Bokkorrels kan na ‘n aanpassingsperiode van 7 dae sonder beperking gevoer word
- As aanvulling op natuurlike weiding kan 1-1,5% van die liggaamsgewig gevoer word, en op swak weivelde 2,5-3% van die liggaamsgewig
Minimum | Maximum | ||
Protein | g/kg | 130 | |
Protein ex NPN | % | 11.42 | |
Moisture | g/kg | 120 | |
Crude Fat | g/kg | 25 | 70 |
Crude Fibre | g/kg | 110 | 200 |
Calcium | g/kg | 2 | 10 |
Phosphorous | g/kg | 2 | |
Urea | g/kg | 0 |
Hierdie voer bevat NPN (ammoniumsulfaat en ammoniumchloried) en moet streng volgens instruksies gevoer word. Vitamienaktiwiteite neem mettertyd af. Raadpleeg die vervaardiger of ‘n voedingsdeskundige. Verskaf ekstra ruvoer gedurende die eerste week van voer vir aanpassing.
Goat pellets
- Complete finisher feed for all livestock
- Contains no urea
- Contains high-grade lucerne
- Contains a vitamin and mineral premixture
Recommended intake
- Goat pellets can be fed with no restrictions, after an adaptation period of 7 days
- As supplement on natural grazing, 1–1.5% of body weight can be fed, and on poor pastures, 2.5–3% of body weight
Minimum | Maximum | ||
Protein | g/kg | 130 | |
Protein ex NPN | % | 11.42 | |
Moisture | g/kg | 120 | |
Crude Fat | g/kg | 25 | 70 |
Crude Fibre | g/kg | 110 | 200 |
Calcium | g/kg | 2 | 10 |
Phosphorous | g/kg | 2 | |
Urea | g/kg | 0 |
This feed contains NPN (ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride) and must be fed strictly according to the instructions. Vitamin activity decreases with time. Consult the manufacturer or a nutritionist. Supply additional roughage during the first week of feeding for adaptation.