
Reg. No. V18104 / NFF 1630
Klas: Droogtevoer vir wild
Mass 50kg


  • Volledige voer wat vir wild gevoer kan word tydens droogte, of vir diere in kwarentyn en in bomas
  • Die produk bevat ’n vitamien- en mineraalvoormengsel met addisionele biotien wat optimale hoef- en horinggroei verseker
  • Bevat geen ureum
  • Bevat deurvloeiproteïenbronne wat horinggroei en melkproduksie bevorder
  • Bevat hoë vlakke lusern om metaboliese steurnisse te voorkom

Aanbevole inname

  •  Voer sonder beperking aan diere na ’n aanpassingsprogram van 7 – 10 dae


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 100
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 2
Calcium g/kg 15
Fat g/kg 15 70
Fibre g/kg 120 250
Urea g/kg 0

Waarskuwing: Vitamienaktiwiteit neem met tyd af. Raadpleeg die vervaardiger of ’n voedingskundige. Voorsien
addisionele hooi vir aanpassing gedurende die eerste week.




Reg. No. V18104 / NFF 1630
Class: Drought feed for game
Mass 50kg

Game Pellets

  • Complete feed which can be fed to game during periods of drought or for animals
    in quarantine and in bomas
  • Contains a vitamin and mineral premixture with additional biotin, which ensures optimum hoof and horn growth
  • Contains no urea
  • Contains undegraded intake protein (bypass protein) sources which advances horn growth and milk production
  • Contains high levels of lucerne to prevent metabolic disturbances

Recommended intake

  • Feed without restrictions after an adaptation period of 7 -10 days


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 100
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 2
Calcium g/kg 15
Fat g/kg 15 70
Fibre g/kg 120 250
Urea g/kg 0

Warning: Vitamin activity decreases with time. Consult the manufacturer or a nutritionist. Supply additional roughages during the first week of feeding for adaptation.