
Reg. No. NFF4100 / V29661
Klas: Ooi en lamvoer
Massa 50kg
Lakterende ooikorrels
- Geskik vir laatdragtige en lakterende ooie waar baie min of geen weiding (zero-beweidingstelsel) beskikbaar is nie, soos in die lamhoklamstelsel
- Bevat geen ureum nie, slegs ’n mengsel van hoë gehalte deurvloeiproteïenbronne met ’n uitstekende aminosuurprofiel
- Die deurvloeiproteïen bevorder uierontwikkeling, bies- en melkproduksie en voorkom dat die biesmelk abnormal dik en taai (kondensmelkagtig) is
- Bevat anioonsoute om die voorkoms van subkliniese melkkoors te beperk
- Kan ook gebruik word vir die afronding van lammers en die uitgroei van jong- en stoetdiere
Aanbevole inname
- Voorsien eers met ’n aanpassingsprogram vir minstens 7 dae
- Voer dan sonder beperking
- Pas laatdragtige ooie stadig en geleidelik vir minstens ’n vier weke periode voor lam aan
- Voer lammerooie teen 3 – 4% van liggaamsmassa na aanpassing
- Voer lakterende ooie totdat voldoende goeie gehalte weiding beskikbaar is
Minimum | Maximum | ||
Protein | g/kg | 160 | |
Protein ex NPN | % | 20 | |
Moisture | g/kg | 120 | |
Phosphorous | g/kg | 3 | |
Calcium | g/kg | 7 | 10 |
Fat | g/kg | 25 | 70 |
Fibre | g/kg | 100 | 140 |
Urea | g/kg | 0 |
Waarskuwing: Die voer bevat NPN (ammoniumsulfaat en ammoniumchloried) en moet streng volgens die voorskrif gevoer word.
Vitamienaktiwiteit neem met tyd af. Raadpleeg die vervaardiger of ’n voedingskundige. Hierdie voer bevat geregistreerde groeistimulante en/of terapeutiese middels. Voer streng volgens voorskrifte. Gedurende die aanpassingsperiode moet voldoende hooi
of weiding voorsien word.

Reg. No. NFF4100 / V29661
Class: Ewe and Lamb Feed
Mass 50kg
Lactating Ewe Pellets
- Suitable for ewes in late pregnancy and lactating ewes where very little or no grazing (zero grazing system) is available, such as in the (lambing cage system)
- Contains no urea, only a combination of high-quality undegraded intake protein (bypass protein) sources with an exceptional amino acids-profile
- The undegraded intake protein (bypass protein) advances udder development and the production of colostrum and milk, and prevents the colostrum from being abnormally thick and sticky
- Contains anionic salts to restrict the prevalence of subclinical milk fever
- Can also be used for the finishing of lambs and the growth of young and stud animals
Recommended intake
- At first, provide with an adaptation program of at least seven days
- After the adaptation program, feed without restriction
- Adapt ewes in late pregnancy slowly and gradually for at least a four-week period before lambing
- Feed 3 – 4% of body weight to lambing ewes after adaptation
Minimum | Maximum | ||
Protein | g/kg | 160 | |
Protein ex NPN | % | 20 | |
Moisture | g/kg | 120 | |
Phosphorous | g/kg | 3 | |
Calcium | g/kg | 7 | 10 |
Fat | g/kg | 25 | 70 |
Fibre | g/kg | 100 | 140 |
Urea | g/kg | 0 |
Warning: This feed contains NPN (ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride) and must be fed strictly according to the instructions. Vitamin activity decreases with time. Consult the manufacturer or a nutritionist. This animal feed contains registered growth
stimulants and/or therapeutic remedies. During the adaptation period adequate roughages or grazing should be provided.