
Reg. No. V36 / NFF 0934
Klas: Ramvoer
Massa 50kg

Stoetvee pille

  • Geformuleer met die doel om jong aanteeldiere goed te laat uitgroei en om optimale spiergroei en -ontwikkeling asook testisgroei en -ontwikkeling te verseker
  • Bevat geen ureum nie
  • Bevat hoë gehalte deurvloeiproteïenbronne wat vrugbaarheid bevorder asook
    goeie spierontwikkeling sonder oormatige vetaanpakking verseker
  • Bevat ’n vitamien- en mineraalvoormengsel
  • Bevat ammoniumsoute om die vorming van blaasstene te voorkom
  • Die Suid-Afrikaanse Stoetvee bevat groeibevorderaars om groei en voeromset te verbeter
  • Die Nambiese Stoetvee bevat slegs produkte en grondstowwe wat aan die EU vereistes voldoen

Aanbevole inname

  •  Voorsien ad lib. na ’n 7 – 10 dae aanpassingsperiode
  •  Die gemiddelde voerinname van die lammers varieer van 4% tot 6% van liggaamsmassa (NRC, 2007)
  •  Volwasse ramme en ooie sal 2 – 3% van hulle liggaamsmassa inneem as die produk ad lib. gevoer word


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 140
Protein ex NPN % 11.2
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 2
Calcium g/kg 4 15
Fat g/kg 25 75
Fibre g/kg 70 150
Urea g/kg 0

Veekos uses registered stock remedies in the following products; Sheep Finisher, Stud Feed & Creep Feed. The Namibian product range does not include these stock remedies. Click on the card to view.


 Die voer bevat NPN (ammoniumsulfaat en ammoniumchloried) en moet streng volgens die voorskrif gevoer word.
Vitamienaktiwiteit neem met tyd af. Raadpleeg die vervaardiger of ’n voedingskundige. Hierdie voer bevat geregistreerde groeistimulante en/of terapeutiese middels. Stoetvee moet na aanpassing ad lib. gevoer word en die voerkrippe moet altyd vol gehou word


Reg. No. V36 / NFF 0934
Class: Ram Feed
Mass 50kg

Stud Feed Pellets

  • Formulated to enhance the growth of young stud animals and to ensure the optimum growth and development
    of muscles and testes
  • Contains no urea
  • Contains high-quality undegraded intake protein (bypass protein) sources which advances fertility and ensures
    good muscle development without excessive fat deposits
  • Contains a vitamin and mineral premixture
  • Contains ammonium salts to prevent urinary stones
  • South African Stud Feed contains growth enhancers to advance growth and feed conversion
  • Namibian Stud Feed only contains products and materials which adhere to EU requirements

Recommended intake

  • Provide ad lib. after an adaption period of 7 -10 days
  • The average feed intake of lambs varies from 4% to 6% of their body weight (NRC, 2007)
  • Adults rams and ewes will consume 2% to 3% of the body weight if the product is given ad lib.


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 140
Protein ex NPN % 11.2
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 2
Calcium g/kg 4 15
Fat g/kg 25 75
Fibre g/kg 70 150
Urea g/kg 0

Veekos uses registered stock remedies in the following products; Sheep Finisher, Stud Feed & Creep Feed. The Namibian product range does not include these stock remedies. Click on the card to view.


 This feed contains NPN (ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride) and must be fed strictly according to the instructions. Vitamin activity decreases with time. Consult the manufacturer or a nutritionist. This animal feed contains registered growth
stimulants and/or therapeutic remedies. Stud Feed should be given without restrictions after adaptation and feed troughs should
always be kept full.