
Reg. No. NFF 2850
(Act/Wet 36/1947)
Klas: Proteïen, minerale en spoorminerale konsentraat vir herkouers
Mass 50kg


  • Proteïen- en mineraalkonsentraat wat gemeng kan word om aanvullings vir herkouers te skep
  • Smaaklik en maklik mengbaar
  • Geskik vir beeste en skape
  • Bevat ‘n vitamien- en minerale mengsel
  • Menginstruksies is beskikbaar, of kontak ‘n Veekos-verteenwoordiger
  • Veeldoelige produk

Aanbevole inname

Meng 50kg Grasveldkonsentraat met 50kg sout. Die aanbevole daaglikse inname is 500g per dag vir groot herkouers en 80g per dag vir klein herkouers.


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 600
Protein ex NPN % 81.3
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 24
Calcium g/kg 24 60
Urea g/kg 170


Hierdie voer bevat NPN (ureum) en moet streng volgens die instruksies gevoer word. Dit is ‘n konsentraat en moet streng volgens die instruksies gemeng word. Die mengsels is aanvullings en nie ‘n volledige voer nie. Daarom moet voldoende weiding en ruvoer beskikbaar wees. Hou die bakkies vol, ‘n konstante daaglikse inname voorkom dat u eet en ureum vergiftig. Voordat u ‘n aanvulling met NPN bevat, gee dit soutfosfaatlek vir 7 dae. Vitamienaktiwiteit neem mettertyd af. Raadpleeg die vervaardiger of ‘n voedingsdeskundige.


Reg. No. NFF 2850
(Act/Wet 36/1947)
Class: Protein, mineral and trace mineral concentrate for ruminants
Mass 50kg

Grassveld Concentrate

  • Protein and mineral concentrate that can be mixed to create supplements for ruminants
  • Tasty and easily mixable
  • Suitable for cattle and sheep
  • Contains a vitamin and mineral premixture
  • Mixing instructions are available, or contact a Veekos representative
  • Multi-purpose product

Recommended intake

Mix 50kg Grassveld concentrate with 50kg salt. Recommended daily intakes will be 500g per day for large ruminants and 80g per day for small ruminants.


Minimum Maximum
Protein g/kg 600
Protein ex NPN % 81.3
Moisture g/kg 120
Phosphorous g/kg 24
Calcium g/kg 24 60
Urea g/kg 170


This feed contains NPN (urea) and must be fed strictly according to the instructions. This is a concentrate and must be mixed strictly according to the instructions. The mixtures are supplements and not a complete feed, thus sufficient grazing and roughages should be available. Keep food troughs full, a constant daily intake will prevent over eating and urea poisoning. Before feeding an NPN-containingsupplement, give a salt-phosphate lick for 7 days. Vitamin activity decreases with time. Consult the manufacturer or a nutritionist.